ISO 9001/2015Pavan Zanetti quality management system
Acting in the continuous development in the segment of Blowing and Injection machines has always been Pavan Zanetti’s mission. And for having maintained during all its existence an agile, flexible and up-to-date attitude, the company built a solid image in the market, marked by reliance, technology and quality.
In consequence of the preservation and improvement of a culture focused on quality, Pavan Zanetti obtained in 1998 the certification of its Quality Guarantee System, based on the requisites of the standard NBR ISO 9001:94. Ever since, the company formally assumed a Process of Continuous Improvement of its Quality Management System, incorporating the principles of its Quality Policy to Business Management.

In 2001, Pavan Zanetti started the reformulation process of its Quality Management System, adopting the standard NBR ISO 9001:2000, the present model of quality management. The initiative placed Pavan Zanetti, in 2001, among the first Brazilian companies certified in accordance with this standard’s requisites.
In 2009, Pavan Zanetti achieved its Quality Management System certification based on the requisites of standard NBR ISO 9001:2008.
In consequence, the company’s responsibility concerning Quality Management became even greater. And presently, to express to clients and partners its commitment with continuous improvement, Pavan Zanetti wants to ratify its Quality Policy: “Continuous improvement of the product, organization and effectiveness of the Quality Management System, in order to serve clients the best way possible and assure the effective compliance with the requisites of standard NBR ISO 9001:2015”.